The ABC's of Why I Love You...
Your love for others and your dedication is ADMIRABLE.
You're a BELIEVER and a follower of Christ.
You're CUTE. Seriously, you are.
You're DETERMINED in every aspect of life.
You're ENCOURAGING to me and to every person you encounter.
You're always FAITHFUL...to God, to me, to our country.
You're GENTLE and caring toward others.
You're the most HANDSOME man I have ever laid eyes on.
You're simply INTRIGUING. I love listening to you and just staring at you.
You're JOVIAL. You can make anyone laugh and smile.
You're KIND...always thinking about others.
You're a LEADER. You know how to be in charge and effectively lead others.
You're MERCIFUL - always willing to forgive me when I do wrong.
You're NUTTY (and I am too!).
You're OPTIMISTIC, even in the worst of situations.
You're PATIENT. You seriously have the patience of a saint with me at times.
You're QUINTESSENTIAL. Everyone deserves a spouse as amazing as you!
You're very RESPONSIBLE and mature.
You're SINCERE in everything you say and do.
You're THOUGHTFUL - constantly thinking about others before yourself.
You're altogether UNDERSTANDING.
You're VALIANT - determined in everything you do.
You're WISE - full of more wisdom than anyone I know.
You're eXactly the man I was looking for and you give the best X's and O's.
You're YEARNFUL - a.k.a. you're the one that I want.
You're ZEALOUS - devoted and committed to what you do.
And those are just a few of the reasons that I love you. Thanks for being a wonderful husband and my bestest friend! Happy Valentine's Day Josh!
<3 Jenn
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