Thursday, April 28, 2011

In God's Time

I heard this song on the radio tonight and couldn't help but cry a little. It's what I needed to hear. It's so hard to wait on His timing, but I know He has a plan for my life and that His plan is best. Anyways, listen to the song. I hope it touches someone else too...

- Jenn

Friday, April 22, 2011

Mighty Is The Power Of The Cross

A friend of mine shared this song today on Facebook and I was really touched by it. I figured I'd share it with you and hopefully it'll bless someone else as well.

It's so amazing...the power of the cross! Right in the middle of this Easter season, I can't help but be so incredibly thankful for the power of the cross and for the sacrifice that Jesus made on it for me - for lowly me. I'm eternally thankful for all that He's done for me and for the power of the cross!

Happy Easter! And don't forget the real meaning of this season - the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior so that you and I can have our sins forgiven and spend eternity in Heaven one day.

- Jenn

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Dreams... what is your biggest dream in life? What do you hope that you'll do before you die?

I know what my biggest dream is. I've had this dream ever since I was a little girl. My dream is to be a wife and a mom. I know; I have the first part covered. For that I am truly thankful. I'm so incredibly thankful that God blessed me with the man of my dreams...a man who I can do anything and everything with and a man who I can dream about the future with.

The second part of my dream is what I am waiting on. Right now I am just waiting on God for it. It's not easy to wait for his timing...not easy at all. When you've dreamed of something for years on end, it's so ahrd to sit back and wait for it to happen. Waiting...I think it's the hardest seven letter word in life.

So, what's your dream? What do you hope to accomplish on this earth before you die?

- Jenn

Saturday, April 9, 2011

It's Been Awhile

It's been awhile...a long, long while. I guess I'm not so good at the whole blogging thing. Or maybe I'm just not disciplined at taking time to write. I do really enjoy writing though. I guess it's just a matter of putting aside the time to actually do it.

Anyways, life has been busy and sometimes chaotic. I've been keeping myself rather busy at work. Between the normal hours, trainings, and preparing materials and lessons it takes up a lot of time. I do love my job though. I love the children that are in my class (and many who have moved up out of my class). I love seeing them learn and grow everyday. I also like the trainings I go to most of the time. It's nice to continue learning. It kind of reminds me of college all over again (and sometimes makes me regret that I didn't appreciate college as much when I was in it).

I've also been keeping busy at home and with family and friends. Often times I feel like I don't get as much done at home as I would like. I feel like my house is always a mess and I'm always trying to keep my head above water as far as getting things done around the house that need done. It can be slightly stressful at times, but somehow it always gets done (or at least the important things get done). I also feel like I don't get to spend as much time with people as I would like, especially Josh. It seems like life gets so busy sometimes that there's not enough time in the day to see the people who are most important to me. I guess that's something I need to work on (as far as re-prioritizing things).

Anyways, that's mainly what's been going on in life. Now very exciting - I know. But, as has been said a million times before on here, I'll try to update more often. No promises though, but I will try. Leave me a comment if you read this so that I know at least someone is still reading. Otherwise, take care.

- Jenn