Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This past week has contained a lot of not me moments, things that I definitely did not do and that definitely did not happen.

This past week was most certainly not my last full week of classes as an undergraduate. I most definitely won't be student teaching in just three months and won't be a college graduate in seven months. Nope, not me.

I definitely didn't get to spend a long weekend with my husband this past weekend. We didn't get to be together all day Friday, most of the day Saturday, and all day Sunday. We also didn't get to go out together several times during the weekend and just spend quality time together. Not me.

During this past weekend with my wonderful husband, I didn't get to see "Bedtime Stories". I also didn't think that it was a hilarious movie and I didn't watch it twice in two days because I enjoyed it so much. I also definitely wouldn't recommend it to everyone of all ages because it was clean and just that funny. Definitely not me.

I'm also not sitting in my living room looking around and realizing that I still have things out from Easter which was almost a month ago. I would never leave Easter things out that long. I would most certainly put them away within a few days after the holiday. I don't still have them out; not me.

This past weekend (between spending time with my husband) I most certainly didn't get to go out on a girls' night with three of my friends. During this girls' night we didn't go shopping at the mall and to dinner at the Olive Garden. The waiter at the Olive Garden also definitely didn't make fun of me (in a nice kind of way) the entire time we were there for butchering the pronunciation of "gnocci". I would most certainly say that word right, especially since I speak well in all languages. I didn't get busted on for butchering it, not me.

I also didn't sleep in this morning way past when I should have. After all, there are plenty of things to do around the house.

I'm also not sitting here writing this not me post when those things are still waiting to be done. I would most certainly get all the needed things done before sitting down to blog. I would never be on the computer when other things should be getting done. Not me!

So what have you "not done" this week? Join in the fun and confess the things that didn't happen to you during the past week. It's a lot of fun!


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