I can't help but wonder why you have decided to visit southern Pennsylvania so much this winter. You haven't been around in such large amounts for as long as I can remember. Normally you only come for short visits once or twice a year. If I recall correctly, you came in the form of about 47 inches within this past month. We have spent numerous hours (approximately 12 to be exact) moving you from our pathway and our parking spaces into large piles off to the side. I finally thought you were gone for good when I got a glimpse of green grass this past week. Boy was I wrong! Now, as rumor has it, you have decided to come back for another visit in the days to come. I hate to say it, but you're really not welcome. I'm pretty sure that most of us have seen enough of you already and would much rather see sunshine, warm temperatures, and flowers. Please stay away. As a matter of fact, please go into hiding until at least late November or December. Then you will be welcome to make an appearance again. Thank you very much!
P.S. I have enclosed a picture that is proof of your visit earlier this month. As you can see, there was plenty of you around...