Saturday, October 16, 2010


It's saddening to me to think of how many people are completely lost - following a person, a person who's completely warped in their thinking and beliefs. I watched this video today and it made me sad...sad and angry all at the same time. Sad for this woman whose completely blinded to the truth and angry that she's leading so many astray....

Despite being saddened and angry, I realize that all I can do is pray for her. Pray that somehow she finds the Truth and uses her influence on millions for the good and not for the bad. Would you pray with me for her and for all of those who are blinded to the truth?

- Jenn

1 comment:

  1. i saw this before, isn't it terrifying? thank God that "but for the grace of God there go i...".

    every time i see something like this, it makes me so thankful for the privilege of knowing the Lord.

    when you watch something like this, your first reaction is to want to to something about it but we're just not sure what. remembering to pray about it, and for those people being deceived is the very best thing we can do.
