Wow! It's been awhile since I posted an update, well a week to be exact. But after posting nearly every day a week is a long time. I guess I have a reason for not posting, considering I didn't really have good internet access for a few days and didn't have much time. Oh well, so what have I been up to? What's on my mind...
Last Thursday I took my wonderful husband to his Marine Corps unit and dropped him off. He and five other Marines were headed out to Oregon for some training on some new equipment that they have recently gotten. He left Thursday afternoon and returned back to PA on Monday afternoon. So, I was without him for four days.... and I definitely missed him.
The four days weren't bad though because after I dropped Josh off at his unit, I went up to my hometown for a long weekend and stayed at my parents. I got to spend time with my parents, my siblings, my niece and nephew, and friends. We got in some quality time, some playtime (with the kids that is), lots of shopping, some good food, a high school play, and much more. It was nice to go up there for the weekend, as I haven't been there in a month or so and definitely miss my family and friends who are there.
But, Monday afternoon came and Josh flew back to PA. I was SO happy to see him again and to be back in his arms. I definitely missed him ALOT!
By the way, I was quite happy because Josh took pictures during his trip. He's not much of a picture-taking type so I was excited because I actually got to see where he was and what not. Maybe I'll post some of the pictures later.
Since being home, I have had a lot to do. I had a presentation and an exam at school yesterday. So I spent Monday evening spending time with Josh, studying, and preparing my presentation. Neither the presentation nor the exam seemed to go too well though. So I was pretty bummed about that. But, we'll see how they went when I get the results.
I've also been busy cleaning and doing laundry since we got home. I'm trying to get our house back into one piece and do some much needed spring cleaning. I did some today and it felt good to see a little bit of progress in the cleanliness of the house.
If you think of it pray for a friend of mine's aunt. Her name is Beth. She was taken to the hospital yesterday and tests discovered that she has leukemia and it is pretty advanced. They life flighted her to a better hospital because the one she was in said they couldn't do much for her. So, if you think of it please pray for her. She's only in her late 40's and has two children (both in their early 20's) and a husband. But pray for her and for the family at this time as it has come as a huge shock. Thanks!
Also, continue to pray for baby
Stellan. He's in his third week in the hospital and is still in an out of SVT. He may be being transferred cross country to a hospital in Boston early next week. But continue to pray for him and his family too.
Well, I guess that's pretty much it for now. I'll update again later and perhaps post some pictures from both mine and Josh's weekend. But for now I'm off to cook dinner before my husband gets home from work.