Wednesday, April 22, 2009

There Is Love...

I was listening to the song "After the Last Tear Falls" by Andrew Peterson today and it really spoke to me. Here is a youtube video of the song that someone did. The lyrics are on it as well as pictures. So listen for yourself...

... As I listened to this song it just reminded me of how there are so many bad things in this world, so many bad things that happen. We open the newspaper, click on a website, turn on a television and we see all of these horrible things - murders, rapes, children starving, divorce... and the list goes on and on. I don't know about you, but every time I read these things my heart breaks, sometimes tears fall. There is so much evil and hurting in this world and sometimes it seems as if there's no hope for us. But I heard this song today and it reminded me that there is hope. He is our hope. At the end of all these things there is Love, there is God. It's so comforting to think about. Even when things seem hopeless, he is our hope. He is the only hope for this world and in the end He the only one who can use the bad things and turn them into good. In the end He'll wipe away our tears and hurting and evil will be no more. How comforting...there is Love!


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