Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I Heart Faces - Wedding Bells

I've seen different people post entries for I ♥ Faces before, but never knew exactly what the site was all about. I finally headed over to the site and found out that they host weekly photography contests in different categories. So, I figured I would give it a try and submit my photo for the contest.

This weeks category is "Wedding Bells". I found a picture that I took of my friend Kim, right after she had gotten all ready on the morning of her wedding. So, this is my entry for the contest this week. The beautiful bride...

So, head on over to I Heart Faces and check out all the entries for this weeks contest. It's definitely a lot of fun!

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Javelin Thrust 2009 (JT09) was a huge success! The Marines of Det 2 Allentown completed their mission, directly aiding in the overall fulfilment of the operation. Comm Company maintained their systems with nearly 100% up-time and quickly resolved any and all issues that arose. We spent the "down time" providing and receiving training on our equipment and the equipment of the other communications company that was present. Marines received instruction on proper radio procedures and customs, set-up and operation of the RSAM and other switchboard related hardware, and the set-up, maintenance, and troubleshooting of the Support Wide Area Network (SWAN) satellite suite.

During the operation, we had the opportunity to qualify for the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP) grey belt, learn proper foot patrol techniques and operations, take an instructional course on IED recognition and attack prevention, and also receive our Combat Life-Savers' Certifications (CLS).

After completion of the operation, Marines received improvised Professional Military Education (PME) on a variety of subjects including future weaponry and warfare, Operational Risk Management (ORM), and wilderness safety.

-Josh (Cpl Burky)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Time Well Spent...

Since Josh is gone away for Annual Training with the Marines for two weeks, I have had a lot of time alone. I knew from before he even left that my time without him would be what I made it to be - I could either spend the time sitting around moping because my husband wasn't home or I could spend the time finding things to do, spending time with people, and passing the time away quickly. I chose the latter.

It hardly seems possible that I've been "husbandless" for eleven days already (it'll have been 16 days by the time he comes home). I decided to do a lot of things to keep busy while he was gone, so that the time would go by fast. It has gone at a decent pace (rather quickly), though at times it has seemed to move slowly also.

The first week he was gone seemed like a week of re-connecting. He left on Thursday June 11th. On Friday I worked. On Saturday I took my Praxis exams in the morning, and then in the afternoon I reconnected with a friend, Katie, who I hadn't seen in at least seven months. It was definitely nice to see her again! On Sunday I spent time at my in-laws house and then spent the evening with Jen, my sister in law. It was definitely nice to hang out with her and have some "girl time". That Monday I spent by myself, cleaning and doing things around the house. That Tuesday I reconnected with another friend, Bethany, who I also hadn't seen in about six months. That Wednesday I spent the evening at my in-laws house also. That was my first week while Josh was gone, a pretty packed week indeed. It flew by and I feel as if I got a lot accomplished and had fun as well.

The second week (which we're only midway through) has also been rather busy. I headed up to my parents house for the rest of the time that Josh will be away. When it's all said and done, I will have spent 9 days up here. The time here has also been busy - my niece K's 5th birthday party, graduation parties, shopping with my mom, church, spending time with family, and much more. There will only be more to come in the rest of the week - babysitting my niece and nephew, spending time with friends and family, a movie night with some friends from church, a possibly baseball game, and other things as well.

Though these weeks have been busy since Josh was gone, I consider it to have been time well spent. I could have spent the time moping around and being depressed that I missed Josh (which I definitely do miss him). But instead I spent the time busy and having fun with people I love. I consider these two weeks to be time well spent instead of time well wasted.

By the way, I'll post some pictures of the two weeks on here once I'm home. That way you can see some of the things that I've been doing these past two weeks.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Please Pray

Please pray for the family of a five year old little girl, Hannah Garman. She passed away on Tuesday night after a long battle with a rare form of a brain tumor. This isn't the first loss for this family either, as Hannah's mother passed away several years ago from cancer.

Hannah's story is so inspiring - a little girl who fought long and hard and always had a smile on her face. I'm sure that she will be truly missed, but we can rest assured that she is healed from her pain right now and is celebrating with both Jesus and with her mommy.

But, if you can , pray for the family as I'm sure these days are rather difficult for them. If you would like to read Hannah's story, you can go to her Caring Bridge page that her father updated on. Thanks for praying though!

- Jenn

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Man I Love...

Yes, he's the man I love and the man I miss.
He's gone away for two weeks for training with the Marines.
I'm praising God though that it's only two weeks and not a long deployment.
The sound of his voice and the sight of his smile makes my days now.

It is true that "distance makes the heart grow fonder".
It makes you love and appreciate a person more for who they are.
It makes you realize just how much they mean to you.
I love him so much - even more today than I did yesterday!
I thank God for him and thank him for serving our country so willingly!
He's the man I love... and I could never get anyone better!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Happy Birthday...

Happy 23rd Birthday Josh!!!

To my wonderful, amazing, caring husband - the man of my dreams - I wish only the best birthday that anyone could have! You have changed my life since the moment that I met you. You have been my dream come true. I am so proud of you for all that you do... for serving our country proudly in the Marine Corps, for working so hard every day, for loving others unconditionally, and for so much more. I have learned so much from you already in life, and as the years go by I know that I will only learn more. Thank you for being an example to me in so many ways. Thank you for being a wonderful husband, beyond what I deserve. Thank you for being my best friend and my life long partner. You mean the world to me. And today, on your birthday, I pray that you have the best of days - because that's what you deserve. Happy birthday! Have a great year of life (with many more to come) and may God bless you as you serve Him! I love you Josh!!!

- Jenn

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Today was an absolutely great day, spent entirely with the most wonderful woman in the whole world: my wife Jenn. We started off the day at my parents house, mostly because we passed out there around four A.M. after watching "Matrix Revolutions" with my brother Jon and our friend Luke. My parents have a nicer TV and bigger couch than we do... Anyways, after breakfast the wife and I came home to get ourselves ready for the rest of the day. Jenn's plan was to have me drive us around to mystery destinations that she had already chosen (and stored in the GPS) to celebrate my birthday.

Mystery Destination 1 was K-mart where we picked up a kite and frisbee for "later". On the way out the door we also grabbed (and paid for) a pizza. After that, it was back to the truck and off to Mystery Destination 2.

MD2: Shanks Park. We had a nice lunch together under the shade of a tree then spent some time just talking together. Of course there was absolutely no wind, so the kite never got flown. And it turns out that we got an alternate lifestyle frisbee 'caus we never did get the stupid thing to fly straight... but it was still fun and we enjoyed the time together. Once we determined that the frisbee was busted and the wind was not coming, we headed off to MD3.

MD3: Challenge Family Fun Center. Next on the list of places was CFFC, part of Indian Echo Caverns in the Hershey area. 22 holes of rather difficult bet very enjoyable mini-golf. Jenn and I managed to end the game with a tie, and even tied on the front ten too. Overall, we finished four under par, not too shabby! The highlight of the game was Jenn's "slo-mo" hole-in-one on hole 11. The shot barely made it up the one side of the bridge then slowly rolled down the other side, caught the edge of the course - barely staying on the green - which made the ball arc hard to the right, ending with a dramatic slow-crawl right up the the edge of the cup before finally dropping in. Nice shot Jenn! After the game we headed in to the arcade because we had a coupon for some tokens. Lots of fun games there, including Cyclone, Big Bertha, Duck Pins, Skee-Ball, and some FPS game, Time something II. We had lots of fun and ended up winning 500 tickets which we then traded for two foam finger-launch rockets, two punch balloons, and four airheads. We really wanted the inflatable snake-swords, but they were all out. Again, lots of fun, but it was time to move on the MD4.

MD4: dinner. At this time it was only three P.M., to dinner was put on hold and we decided to detour to Target to pick up my birthday present and to waste some time. En route to Target, we ran into some heavy traffic and a very horrible accident.

Detour 1: The motorcycle crash. Driving down 322 toward Harrisburg, traffic suddenly came to a screeching halt. We sat in traffic for over half an hour, only to find that a portion of 322 was closed off. We detoured to a side road that fed into another road, running parallel to the highway. From there we could see a little bit of what was going on. There was a motorcycle in the middle of the highway, and it looked like it had just survived a tour in vietnam. Also present was the coroner and the forensics team: not the people you want to see on a crash site. We saw later - on the return trip - that the wreck stretch about 500 yards dow the highway, starting with the front tire lodged under a guard rail and ending with the remains of a motorcycle. Needless to say, that put our day at a pause for a few minutes as we reflected on the tragedy that occurred and thought of the family and friends that mourned the loss of Antoinne Brown.

Detour 2: Target. Once we arrived at Target, we spent about an hour walking around and just hanging out. We picked up my present - a logitech wireless mouse and keyboard set - a card for my dad's upcoming birthday, and a scale (because I need to get in shape). It was really nice to just walk around with Jenn and spend some time doing "everyday stuff" together. Probably one of my favorite parts of the day. After Target (and the return trip back to Hershey), we finally got to MD4: dinner.

MD4: Isaac's Restaurant and Deli. We picked Isaac's because it was close and they have really good food. I got a "Twisted Chicken" (Grilled premium chicken breast, cheddar cheese, fresh spinach and tomatoes with dijon mustard and mayo) and Jenn had the Rainbow Parrot (Corned beef on pumpernickel with melted Muenster cheese, crunchy cole slaw and fresh onions, tomatoes and lettuce, all topped with Thousand Island dressing). And, yes, I did just copy and paste the descriptions from the Isaac's website. And what dinner is complete without dessert? A cheesecake with brownie chunks and whipped cream, topped with caramel, to be specific. Oh so very good. After the very filling dinner we stopped by my parents place again to pick up some "camping chairs" to use at MD5.

MD5: Shanks Park. Wait, Shanks Park? Wasn't that MD1..? How coincidental and quaint that the adventure should start and end at the same place. Turns out that Shanks hosts Turkey Hill's "drive in" movie night on the first weekend of every month. The flick was "Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa", which I love. "Like you love the beach, or a good book. Or the beach." My family came as well and we had a fun evening watching a movie together.

Now the day is over and I have to say that it was one of the best days ever. I am so thankful to have Jenn as my wife. She definitely went out of her way to make sure that we had a great day together and spent I-don't-know-how-much time researching and planning to make everything happen as smoothly as it did. I don't deserve to have such an amazing and giving wife, but I am so glad that I do. Who knows where I'd be without my precious Jelly Bean!

Its off to bed now, the wife is starting to fall asleep. Goodnight and God Bless!


Friday, June 5, 2009


Short post, just to say that I'm taking my exam for my on-line class this afternoon. After that's over, I'll be DONE with my classes all together! Thank goodness!

But,if you read this before 12:30p.m. today, can you pray for me as I take this exam. I'm a little nervous about it and I am required to pass this final in order to pass the class (even though I have an A average in the class as of now). So, yeah, it's just a little bit of pressure. But your prayers would be appreciated more than you can imagine! Thanks!


Monday, June 1, 2009

Much Fun In The Summertime...

Summertime is always a whole lot of fun. It means that freedom has come (well for those of us in school or who are teachers) and it means nice weather and lots of fun with family and friends. This past weekend was a lot of fun, a.k.a. much fun in the summertime...

My sister in law, Jen, and me after going to see the movie "Up"
(Two side notes... yes we're both named Jenn and yes it's very confusing. Also, yes the movie "Up" is very good, but I don't think it's necessarily a kids movie nor is it extremely funny - but it is good...)

Josh and his friend Luke in the parking lot after the movie... They're two of a kind...

My brother in law, Jonny, and my sister in law Jen after the movie

Josh and me in Jen's car on Sunday after their cousin's graduation party

Summertime is never complete without complete randomness... Like random trips to Chocolate World just because we're bored and there's not much else better to do... (I edited this picture on picnik, I love that site!)

Anyways, there's our random fun from the weekend. I'm sure the rest of the summer will bring much more randomness and much more fun. But for now, I'm out...

- Jenn