Summertime is always a whole lot of fun. It means that freedom has come (well for those of us in school or who are teachers) and it means nice weather and lots of fun with family and friends. This past weekend was a lot of fun, a.k.a. much fun in the summertime...
(Two side notes... yes we're both named Jenn and yes it's very confusing. Also, yes the movie "Up" is very good, but I don't think it's necessarily a kids movie nor is it extremely funny - but it is good...)

Summertime is never complete without complete randomness... Like random trips to Chocolate World just because we're bored and there's not much else better to do... (I edited this picture on picnik, I love that site!)
Anyways, there's our random fun from the weekend. I'm sure the rest of the summer will bring much more randomness and much more fun. But for now, I'm out...
- Jenn
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