Happy 23rd Birthday Josh!!!
To my wonderful, amazing, caring husband - the man of my dreams - I wish only the best birthday that anyone could have! You have changed my life since the moment that I met you. You have been my dream come true. I am so proud of you for all that you do... for serving our country proudly in the Marine Corps, for working so hard every day, for loving others unconditionally, and for so much more. I have learned so much from you already in life, and as the years go by I know that I will only learn more. Thank you for being an example to me in so many ways. Thank you for being a wonderful husband, beyond what I deserve. Thank you for being my best friend and my life long partner. You mean the world to me. And today, on your birthday, I pray that you have the best of days - because that's what you deserve. Happy birthday! Have a great year of life (with many more to come) and may God bless you as you serve Him! I love you Josh!!!

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