Monday, June 22, 2009

Time Well Spent...

Since Josh is gone away for Annual Training with the Marines for two weeks, I have had a lot of time alone. I knew from before he even left that my time without him would be what I made it to be - I could either spend the time sitting around moping because my husband wasn't home or I could spend the time finding things to do, spending time with people, and passing the time away quickly. I chose the latter.

It hardly seems possible that I've been "husbandless" for eleven days already (it'll have been 16 days by the time he comes home). I decided to do a lot of things to keep busy while he was gone, so that the time would go by fast. It has gone at a decent pace (rather quickly), though at times it has seemed to move slowly also.

The first week he was gone seemed like a week of re-connecting. He left on Thursday June 11th. On Friday I worked. On Saturday I took my Praxis exams in the morning, and then in the afternoon I reconnected with a friend, Katie, who I hadn't seen in at least seven months. It was definitely nice to see her again! On Sunday I spent time at my in-laws house and then spent the evening with Jen, my sister in law. It was definitely nice to hang out with her and have some "girl time". That Monday I spent by myself, cleaning and doing things around the house. That Tuesday I reconnected with another friend, Bethany, who I also hadn't seen in about six months. That Wednesday I spent the evening at my in-laws house also. That was my first week while Josh was gone, a pretty packed week indeed. It flew by and I feel as if I got a lot accomplished and had fun as well.

The second week (which we're only midway through) has also been rather busy. I headed up to my parents house for the rest of the time that Josh will be away. When it's all said and done, I will have spent 9 days up here. The time here has also been busy - my niece K's 5th birthday party, graduation parties, shopping with my mom, church, spending time with family, and much more. There will only be more to come in the rest of the week - babysitting my niece and nephew, spending time with friends and family, a movie night with some friends from church, a possibly baseball game, and other things as well.

Though these weeks have been busy since Josh was gone, I consider it to have been time well spent. I could have spent the time moping around and being depressed that I missed Josh (which I definitely do miss him). But instead I spent the time busy and having fun with people I love. I consider these two weeks to be time well spent instead of time well wasted.

By the way, I'll post some pictures of the two weeks on here once I'm home. That way you can see some of the things that I've been doing these past two weeks.


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