Friday, July 10, 2009

3 Answers

I was driving along the rode today, on my way home from my in-laws house, and I saw a church sign. Now, there are hundreds of church signs with quotes on around here, but this particular one caught my attention. It said "There are three answers to prayer - yes, no, and wait." Just thought I'd share that quote with you, as it was one that particularly struck me. It's a concept that I know, one that I've heard many times, yet it's also one that is very difficult to remember. I have to consistently remind myself that God does indeed always answer our prayers, but sometimes He says no or wait and other times He says yes. It's those no's and those wait's that are the most difficult, yet in His sovreign plan they are the best answers for us. I just thank Him for that reminder today.

- Jenn

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