The circus comes to town... that's right. We went back to our childhood days and went to the circus this past week and I'd like to take you along to it, via pictures that I took (with my awesome camera my husband got me for my birthday). So, here we go. Here are some of the highlights of the night...
Myself, Josh, Mum, and Padre (his parents) all went to the circus together...
Josh and me at intermission
Here's my amazingly wonderful in-laws at intermission
The circus was a local show, to raise money for the Zembo Shriners. It was pretty good though. We all pretty much agreed on some of our favorite acts....
The dancing bears were really cute and did some awesome tricks!
The diving clown was probably the funniest act there was - he was great!
The grand finale, the wheel, was so nervewracking. We literally almost watched the blonde guy on the right fall off. He hit his head on the ceiling and lost his balance. Luckily he hung on though.
We even got our pictures with the clowns!
Hope you enjoyed your brief trip to the circus!

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Looks like you all had a good time!