Anyways, after reading about her contest, and more importantly her project for our troops, I was thinking about how often we take for granted what our military does for us. It's so easy to live in a free nation and not even think twice about how we have earned that freedom. It's thanks to our military, past and present, that we have the freedom that we have in our nation. It's sad how easy it is to forget.
I left a comment on Carebear's post that said this:
"I have always had an appreciation for the military, as my father served in the Marine Corps during Vietnam and he raised us teaching us to respect the military and to be thankful for all that they do for us. I have gained even more of a respect and appreciation for the military since I met and married my husband, who is a Corporal in the Marine Corps. I have seen the sacrifices that individuals, like him, make for our country and for our freedom and I am so thankful for that. Without willing individuals, people who give of their time and their lives for our country, we would not have the freedom that we have and we surely would not be the country that we are today. I am so thankful for each member of our military and for each family member. I'm thankful for their sacrifices and recognize that without them, our country would be non-existent. Thank you!"
After writing that comment I just thought, why not tell those individuals myself that I'm thankful for what they have done to protect our country. So, I figured I'd write on here and recognize them for what they have done and say thanks....

To my daddy who was in the Marine Corps and was in Vietnam - thanks for fighting for our freedom and for teaching me to be thankful for the freedom that we have!

To my wonderful husband, Josh, a current Corporal in the USMC - thank you for serving our country and for the sacrifces that you make for our freedom. Thanks for showing me what it means to be proud to be an American and a proud Marine!

To my friend, Robert, a current PFC in the USMC - thanks for signing up to serve our country and for the sacrifices that you have made and will make in the future. Thanks for being one of the few and the proud!
To my friend,Eddie, a sergeant in the U.S. Army National Guard and a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom - thank you for fighting for our country, both here and in Iraq. Thank you for all the sacrifices that you have made to ensure that we have a free and safe nation!
And to everyone else that I know - to all of my husband's fellow Marines in his unit, to Anthony (my sister-in-law's boyfriend) who is in the army, and to the many others - THANK YOU!
So, when's the last time you have thanked someone for your freedom? Can you remember when it was? Well, find someone today who has fought and/or sacrificed to be in the military. When you find them, tell them thanks for all they've done...
Thanks to all of those people you listed - and thanks to you, a Military wife, for sharing your husband with the country and allowing him to risk himself for our safety. I have so much awe and respect for military families. So cheers to you. Thanks also for posting about my contest. I hope to get to 200 comments by the end of it! Your blog background is so cute by the way - love it!