As I sat in bed this morning, images of little faces came to my mind. Little faces just like these ones...

As I thought of the children of Haiti, I couldn't help but weep. Little boys like this one...

... now lived in a town that was devastated by an earthquake and looked like this.

Here I am living in America in my comfortable apartment and here are these poor, innocent children living in a country that's been devastated beyond what it had already been. I couldn't help but cry and pray for them and for their families, who I am sure are still in shock as to what has happened to them.
It's at times like these that we often ask "Why God?". Why would God let this happen to a country who was already so poor? Why would God let this happen to these people? Although those questions go through our minds and will probably never be answered, I know that God has let this happen for a reason. Already, He has opened up the eyes of the world to a country that is almost always forgotten by many. He has opened up our eyes to their hurting and their needs.
As I sat this morning and thought about Haiti, I just wanted to go there are wrap my arms around the people. I wanted to sit with a child who's hurt and confused - just to hug them and cry with them and tell them how much I love them and how much God loves them. I wanted to wrap my arms around the woman who is searching for her family and be there to comfort her. I wanted to be there to love these people and to help them sort through all that has happened.
And although I can't be there in person right now, I am comforted to know that there are others who can. There are Christians in the country who can tell them about God. There are people there who can comfort them through this horrendous tragedy. And above all, there's a God in Heaven who will wrap His loving arms around each and every one of them.
So as I sit here typing this, though I wish I could help these people in person, I know that there are things I can do from right here. First of all, I can pray for these people and pray for the relief workers who are there or who are heading there. Prayer is probably the best thing that I can do right now. Second of all, I can give money to be sent to help the people in Haiti recover from this. This month I've been doing an Eat From the Pantry Challenge to save money on groceries. I can give the money that I save to those in need in Haiti.I'll be donating that money to Compassion International to help them reach the people of Haiti. Though it doesn't seem like much, every bit helps.
I know these people will be on my heart and mind for a long time. I pray that through this tragedy God will work in people's hearts and lives and that He'll use all of this for His honor and glory. I pray that our eyes will continue to be opened to the needs of those throughout the world.
- Jenn
Thanks for all your are doing and for muliplying your donation by stopping by my blog.
ReplyDelete is the website specifically for earthquake relief for the nonprofit Haiti Cheri Havest Life Ministries ( They are an mission organization that partners with Haitian people to improve their quality of life (education, food, medical, etc). Any money donated now goes to earthquake relief. You can check out the website for a link to up-to-date info and correspondence from Haitian friends about the earthquake and effects, and you can make tax-deductible contributions securely online. You are right that every little bit helps- most Haitian people live on less per day than we can scrape out of the ashtray for a Coke in the drive-thru. Having done mission work in Haiti, I have seen first-hand the desolation of everyday life for the Haitian people. This epic disaster is truly heartbreaking, and the long-term consequences are beyond what I can even fathom. Thanks for posting, and thanks for your generosity.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I will be donating .50 per link/story posted on my blog
in addition to whatever we can come up with
Come link up or comment at Savings & Stewardship, where we'll be donating $1 to World Vision per entry!
Thanks for sharing your link! God bless you!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing! WE are also giving $1 per comment/link plus $100.
I'm giving $10 eCOUPONs to my online gift store Gifts For One Gifts For All ( to those that have donated to organizations helping the Haitian earthquake victims. When the eCOUPON is redeemed, 10% of the purchase will also be donated to organizations helping Haiti. Read my blog for more details at http:/
ReplyDeleteThanks for doing this! I have donated to Compassion & Red Cross. I am also donating $1-$2 for every comment on my blog to Compassion International. :)
ReplyDeleteOops - forgot the link -